In a dreamlike, modern-day world where princesses may be descended from a myth, three emotionally isolated women battle personal demons in their desperate quest for intimacy...
In a dreamlike, modern-day world where princesses may be descended from a myth, three emotionally isolated women battle personal demons in their desperate quest for intimacy...
The Asian Minju, born under the confusing sign of the Rabbit, is the Princess of spells and magic, although these powers offer her no help in the search for her Water Dragon...the one who could finally satisfy her fantasies of sexual fulfillment. Tormented by her unexpressed passions, she finds a shallow substitute in her job at a pornographic video shop?and none at all in her ongoing sexual experiences with the men she meets. Not understanding what dark forces could be preventing her from finding sexual contentment with a man, Minju desperately decides to make her own porno film. As a partner she engages the adonis-like Toni, a dancer at a strip club, but her choreographed and mechanical attempts at passion in front of the camera turn him completely off and leaves her again wallowing in her own frustrations...
Ayse is a Turkish cop and the Princess of justice. Confronted with the ultra macho Turkish gangsters surrounding her, she developed a hard-core toughness that not only functions to keep the aggressive men at bay, but also ensures that her own unfulfilled passions remain hidden. As a cop, her time is devoted to nabbing the infamous Oezbalik brothers who rule their Turkish neighborhood with an iron fist. When she is thrown off the force for a questionable offense, she decides to take matters into her own hands and go after them on her own. Kidnapping the younger brother Bülent, who has a genuine desire to love her, Ayse is finally forced to confront her own demonic wall of resistance and the self-hate that built it...
As the Princess of the dream world, the ice-cold Nico works in a lab where she monitors patients with sleep disorders. A lonely creature of the night whose ability to love is frozen somewhere deep within, she\'s far more comfortable with the emotional distance of her sleeping patients than the men of the waking world. It\'s only when they sleep that Nico is able to come close, until a decisive twist of fate offers her Micha. Plagued by sleepwalking that disturbs his rest, Micha is a pilot who needs to overcome his dysfunction before he can fly again. When Nico encounters him stumbling half-consciously through the ward, she is empowered by the control she feels to reach out to Micha with intimacy...which he one day becomes aware of as he groggily awakes...
These three exotic women, from completely different cultural backgrounds, are the best of friends. Although their frustrations stem from their own individual emotional dilemmas, they all share a desperate need to find themselves...and to find intimacy. In the end, Minju finds her Water Dragon; Ayse her Just Rewards and Nico an entire sky in which to dream...